What We Do

What we can do and how we can help!

View the range of services that we offer to people in need of help across the wider community. We offer everything from personal counselling to support groups. 

Person Centred Counselling

To help clients understand and come to terms with any negative thoughts and feelings around trauma, etc. which may be causing emotional problems. Our counselling services empowers clients to develop new and positive inner resources and coping mechanisms to approach life with more control and optimism.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

This approach to therapy will focus on clients negative beliefs about themselves and the world, which consequently shapes how they interpret experiences.  The objective is to change these self-defeating and/or irrational beliefs and behaviours by altering negative thought patterns.

Mindfulness and Reiki

with a view to expanding through alternative therapies such as animal support therapy, etc.

Support Groups

Suicide Bereavement Groups, Mens Support Groups, Loss through Covid 19 Supports Groups, Walk and Talk, Monthly Get Togethers (Flower arranging, Laughing Yoga, Mindfulness, Cake Decorating, Fitness night, Art & Design, etc)

Training for the Community

Self-harm & Suicide Awareness, Positive Mental Health, Self-Esteem, The Impact of Drug Misuse, Anger-management, etc.

Basic Essential Skills Training

Agencies can request other types of training exclusive to what issue they require covered in the training.

Where are counselling sessions held?

How will individuals be referred to Love Life Counselling NI?

Clients can self-refer or be referred by another agency, GP, Police, Addiction Unit, other Mental Health groups, etc.

Clients can refer by telephone and agencies are sent out a referral document which they complete and email to info@lovelifecounsellingni.co.uk

Referrals currently taken from GPs, Southern Trust Mental Health Teams, Police, Probation, Schools, other Counselling agencies who have long waiting lists, etc.